Blastering EMO....

Posted by Ennosuke Ajibana on Sunday, November 26, 2006
We can love someone and just be happy about it even if we know that it cannot last forever. It is not about having someone. It is not about owning a relationship, it is just about being happy because you know you have loved someone. There is a purpose and meaning behind all events and this purpose and meanings develop you as a person and a lover. Whatever relationship you have in your life now, they are precisely the ones you need at this moment.

You aren't gonna be his last, his first, nor his only. He loved before, he will love again. But if he loves you now, what else matters? He is not perfect, you are not either. If he can make you laugh and he admits to being human and making mistakes, be with him. He's not gonna be thinking of you every moment of the day, but he will give you a part that he knows you can break his heart. So, don't hurt him, don't change him, don't analyze and don't expect more than he can give. Smile when he makes you happy because perfect guys don't exist.

I can't be that kind of person others want me to be. I know I can't please everybody for just being me, but I'm glad that there's someone like you who stays beside me, ready to accept whoever the hell I may be!

One of the reasons why people hold on to memories so tight is because memories are the only things that don't change, when everything else does...

I can't be a dummy if I know deep within me I'm real. Yet, some people may misunderstood me, and don't even bother to take a simple glimpse of my worth. But this is what I want to say... What you see is what you get. Judge me? Well, it depends on what you see but knowing me? It is your creativity to look deeper, peel whatever cover you could see, because deep within me is what makes me human. Not perfect, just the real one.

When you hold someone, hold them like it's the last time you will ever see them and when they go, don't make reasons for them to stay... only reasons for them to return.

Loving is not what we see but what we feel, not how we listen but how we understand, not how we forget but how we forgive. Loving is holding on even when the pain dares you to let go.

You know what happiness is? It's waking up in the middle of the night, shifting blankets and feeling the heat of the person next to you. You turn around and you see that person in his/her most innocent state. You smile, kiss the face gently so as not to awake that person. You turn around and a grin forms on your face. Then, you feel an arm wrapped around your waist, and you know it doesn't get any better than this.


Not Evil Just Misunderstood!

Posted by Ennosuke Ajibana on Friday, November 10, 2006
Really sleepy right now... Tiap kali kurang tido mesti perut rasa lain mcm. Makin hari makin rasa ke'useless'an aku kat sini.

Sekali tgk muka Linus Torvalds ni mcm muka budak sekolah yang baru dapat Pangkat 1 dlm SPM ataupun budak pengakap yang semangat sebab 1st time nak ikut camping group. This is among his famous quotes:

"Modern PCs are horrible. ACPI is a complete design disaster in every way. But we're kind of stuck with it. If any Intel people are listening to this and you had anything to do with ACPI, shoot yourself now, before you reproduce."

"Microsoft isn't evil, they just make really crappy operating systems."

"I'm really not a very nice person. I can say "I don't care" with a straight face, and really mean it."

"Software is like sex; it's better when it's free."

"When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'."

"Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect."

So, is he Anakin Skywalker or Luke Skywalker?


Compiling A Kernel

Posted by Ennosuke Ajibana on Thursday, November 09, 2006
Meant to post this a couple of days ago but got caught up into some heavy loads of workzzz...

This is just an another style of updating/compiling the kernel. It's based on Ubuntu (btw, I've just received my free ubuntu cds today!) so basically, other debian-based distros could use the same steps. Why do we have to compile/update our kernel? Just simply to look more 'macho' and bring out the real man in us. So, here goes..

1st thing's 1st:

#apt-get update

Then, the toolz

#apt-get install kernel-package libncurses5-dev fakeroot wget bzip2

After that, the KERNEL. Select your desired kernel version (for my example which is in the
.bz2 format). Change to /usr/src and wget your kernel.

#cd /usr/src
#wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-

Unpack the package, create a symlink (optional for easy 'cd'ing)

#tar xjf linux-
#ln -s linux- linux
#cd /usr/src/linux

Now, if you have to patch your kernel with some err... patches, you do it like this : (make sure the patch is in the /usr/src/ dir)

#bzip2 -dc /usr/src/patch.bz2 | patch -p1 --dry-run
#bzip2 -dc /usr/src/patch.bz2 | patch -p1

ok, you don't have to run both of the above commands. the 1st one is just to test if everything will be ok. if it doesn't return any error, then you can proceed to the second command (without the --dry-run)

The first command is just a test, it does nothing to your sources. If it doesn't show errors, you can run the second command which actually applies the patch. Don't do it if the first command shows errors!

You can also apply kernel prepatches to your kernel sources. For example, if you need a feature that is available only in kernel 2.6.19-rc4, but the full sources haven't been released yet for this kernel. Instead, a patch-2.6.19-rc4.bz2 is available. You can apply that patch to the 2.6.18 kernel sources, but not to kernel or, etc. This is explained on http://kernel.org/patchtypes/pre.html

Prepatches are the equivalent to alpha releases for Linux; they live in the testing directories in the archives. They should be applied using the patch(1) utility to the source code of the previous full release with a 3-part version number (for example, the 2.6.12-rc4 prepatch should be applied to the 2.6.11 kernel sources, not, for example,

So if you want to compile a 2.6.19-rc4 kernel, you must download the 2.6.18 kernel sources (http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.18.tar.bz2) in step 3 instead of kernel!

This is how you apply the 2.6.19-rc4 patch to kernel 2.6.18:

#cd /usr/src
#wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/testing/patch-2.6.19-rc4.bz2
#cd /usr/src/linux
#bzip2 -dc /usr/src/patch-2.6.19-rc4.bz2 | patch -p1 --dry-run
#bzip2 -dc /usr/src/patch-2.6.19-rc4.bz2 | patch -p1

It's a good idea to use the configuration of your current working kernel as a basis for your new kernel. Therefore we copy the existing configuration to /usr/src/linux:

#cp /boot/config-`uname -r` ./.config

Then we run

#make menuconfig

which brings up the kernel configuration menu. Go to Load an Alternate Configuration File and choose .config (which contains the configuration of your current working kernel) as the configuration file.

Then browse through the kernel configuration menu and make your choices. When you are finished and select Exit, answer the following question (Do you wish to save your new kernel configuration?) with 'Yes'.

This is the fun part - build your kernel:

#make-kpkg clean
#fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-dreamb0x kernel_image kernel_headers

After --append-to-version= you can write any string that helps you identify the kernel, but it must begin with a minus (-) and must not contain whitespace.

Now be patient, the kernel compilation can take some hours, depending on your kernel configuration and your processor speed.

After the successful kernel build, you can find two .deb packages in the /usr/src directory. After that, you can 'cd' to that dir and do your installation (#dpkg -i bla..bla..bla) of both the linux-image and the linux-headers. You can also transfer both the .deb packages to other computer.

Reboot your system and do a 'uname -r' to show the world how macho you are now with your new kernel freshly baked in your own room...

Ok, so more than half of this tutorial I've actually snatched from here. Enjoy it anyway...!


'London' Again...

Posted by Ennosuke Ajibana on Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Walaupun tak pernah berkesempatan gi tempat mat salleh tapi kat sini pun cukup kalau nak rasa mcm kat London. Jerebu is back! Buat masa ni, untuk sedapkan hati dgn fenomena jerebu ni, kena la imagine mcm kat London. Kebetulan matahari pun tak keluar + suasana suram + sejuk sikit2 = relaxing while working!

Stop sekejap fikiran aku tentang dunia yg kelam-kabut sekarang ni lepas baca ni...

The Datin Diaries (Human)

Hermm... very touching entry...

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